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“Accomodati a Berlino – Take a pew in Berlin – Nimm platz in Berlin”



Linda has always been loving photography since when she was a child, and used to print all the pictures and collect them in some huge albums, that are still in her room in Italy.

She is graduated at DAMS, at the Bologna University and since when she moved to Berlin she has been developing the artistic praxis of photography, thanks to many classes and to this amazing city that offers so many kinds of inspiration… you just have to be ready to catch them!


Project Description:

One of the things I’ve always loved about Berlin are the strange things and situations you can find there. This influences the impression of the visitor who has come here for the first time, and who can find himself curious, but at the same time perplexed.

But if Berlin can be described as the “goodbye city”, the city of one night stands, the city of ruins that are given a second chance at a second life, and the city of tolerance, is it then so strange to meet a vintage couch in the middle of the pavement and in front of a street art wall?

The fotos are printed on paper.

The project is at its third exhibition and each time is somehow new because updated. Every time three pictures are added to the collection.


Interview by Berlino Magazine:

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